HiFi Lautsprecher

Reference 1 Meta

  • Normaler Preis 9.000 € pro Paar
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
High-Gloss White/Champagne
High-Gloss White/Blue
Satin Walnut/Silver
High-Gloss Black/Grey
High-Gloss Black/Copper

Der Referenzlautsprecher unter den Regallautsprechern

Das Regallautsprechermodell der Reference-Serie könnte der einzige Lautsprecher sein, den Sie jemals benötigen. Als Drei-Wege-Modell mit KEFs Uni-Q®-Treiberanordnung der 12. Generation mit MAT™ ist die Reference 1 Meta in der Lage, einen weitreichenden, leistungsstarken Klang zu liefern, der weit über das hinausgeht, was ihre relativ kompakte Größe vermuten lässt.
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"Die Reference 1 Meta von KEF ist ein hervorragendes Komplettpaket, das exzellenten Klang mit raffinierter Technik und beeindruckender Verarbeitungsqualität verbindet." - Juni 2023

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"Die Reference 1 Meta von KEF ist ein hervorragendes Komplettpaket, das exzellenten Klang mit raffinierter Technik und beeindruckender Verarbeitungsqualität verbindet." - Juni 2023

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"Die Reference 1 Meta von KEF ist ein hervorragendes Komplettpaket, das exzellenten Klang mit raffinierter Technik und beeindruckender Verarbeitungsqualität verbindet." - Juni 2023


Der Maßstab der Maßstäbe

Seit 1973 setzt The Reference kontinuierlich den Maßstab für Lautsprecher und Klangwiedergabe. Als Pionier in der Nutzung digitaler Technologien zur Erzielung höchster Klanggenauigkeit kann jedes Paar mit einer Genauigkeit von 0,5 dB an den im Labor geprüften Referenzstandard angepasst werden.

Immer innovativ

Seit dem ersten Reference-Lautsprecher haben die KEF-Ingenieure kontinuierlich Innovationen entwickelt, um die Möglichkeiten von The Reference auszuschöpfen. Die erste Phase des Reference-Lautsprechers war bahnbrechend, und jede weitere Phase hat das Wissen der Welt über die Wissenschaft der Akustik erweitert.

Entworfen, konstruiert und handgefertigt in Großbritannien

Seit 1961 stellen wir an unserem britischen Firmensitz in Maidstone, Kent, bemerkenswerte, prämierte Lautsprecher her. The Reference, unser Flaggschiff unter den HiFi-Lautsprechern, wird auch heute noch in Maidstone entwickelt, konstruiert und handgefertigt.
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Hören und glauben

Der Beweis liegt im Hören. Nur wenn Sie The Reference in ihrer ganzen Pracht hören, können Sie die Möglichkeiten dieses Lautsprechers richtig einschätzen.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
M.P. (Sindelfingen, DE)
Good sound - service and quality need to be improved

First of all I want to say, that I was a real fan of this brand. I owned the Q900, Q350, R11 and now the Reference 1 META.

Due to not real high motivation of the KEF service and the dealer to find a solution for a customer complaint, I anyway try to do a neutral evaluation of each scope.

Sound: ***** (5 Stars :) )
Sound is really neutral with a superb resolution. The basic tuning of the speaker is neutral (which is not a bad thing!). You can do real long sound sessions without being annoyed by the sound. In comparison to the DALI Rubicon 8, for sure the treble and the low frequencies are not highlighted. I drive the speakers with a Yamaha AS 2200. With adjusting the EQ, it is even possible to adjust the V-shape (if you really need/want it). When you do this, you could even emphasize the vocals. Even then, the details will not get lost. So really nice sound capabilities when you see the potential of using the EQ and the capability of high resolution. The bass seems to be stronger than those of the R11, less than those of the Rubicon 8, but far enough to play in a 30m² room.

Design and used material: *****
Design is a private taste. I like the design of the speakers and the stands (stands are really simple). The used materials look like high-class.

Quality: *** (3 Stars)
KEF is promoting its 100% quality check and if they are not satisfied, they will not sell the product. Not in my case sadly.
My high gloss black version has a different polishing on the last lack surface. For sure, the clear varnish is then the final finish - which looks "perfect". Due to the fact, that the last black lacquer coating is polished in a different direction on different areas of the top of the speaker, it looks like there is a dirty surface or a streak. Especially during the day, when the room is bright due to the sun, it is noticeable. When there is only the light of some light bulbs, you cannot see it so easy.
Sure, it is not easy to find this issue in the quality-check in the factory of KEF because they might not have the right light, but even with a flashlight, it is easy to see.

Service: ** (2 Stars)
Because of this polish-issue I was in contact via phone, the live chat and via mail with KEF. I explained several times the issue. KEF was not really motivated to help me out in this case. The only answer I got was (short form: go in contact with the dealer). To be honest - it is a quality-issue, not a topic of the dealer...

Anyway - for sure I was in contact with the dealer (more than 3 times) via phone and mail. The dealer told me, that they will forward this issue to KEF and they will contact me to find a solution.
With KEF and the dealer I shared videos, pictures and a detailed explanation.

Today, so 2 month later, no one ever tried even to go in contact with me. Normally, this behave is only worth it to evaluate with 1 star. Only because of the first phone contact with the KEF-service you got the 2. star.

I also bought the S-RFI stands in a set with the speakers. Even there, KEF has quality issues (residue of lacquers in the **** thread).

When a manufacturer promotes its "sense of sheer quality" and sells a loudspeaker pair + stands for over 10.200€, I would expect more (service + quality)!

From my perspective, it is not worth to pay so much money for the complete package only because of the sound capabilities. It is maximum worth 50% of the OVP.

Really sad to write this review but I cannot give more than 2-3 stars when I sum up all of those points. Quality and service shall be perfect in this price class!

Dear Customer,

I appreciate you taking the time to share your detailed feedback, and I completely understand your frustration regarding the issues you've experienced with the KEF Reference 1 META speakers and the associated service. I want to assure you that we take your concerns seriously. We apologise for the inconvenience you've experienced, and we will make every effort to improve our service and address the quality issues you've mentioned.

Rest assured, we value you as a customer, and your feedback will be used to enhance our products and customer service standards. We will work diligently to prevent similar situations in the future.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and your continued support.

Best regards,

Your KEF team

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